Common Questions and Answers

What is Myofascial Release Therapy? See more.

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a safe gentle form of body work which consistently produces favourable results. Sustained pressure applied directly into Myofascial restrictions create physiological change to the soft tissue components of our body responsible for our shape and function consistently alleviating pain and related symptoms.

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How is MFR Therapy different? See more.

Myofascial release differs from conventional therapies with its profound effect on the structural integrity of our body. MFR is intended to interfere with established holding and bracing patterns responsible for pain and dysfunction. Our body holds itself in the path of least resistance. It does not recognize the difference between "right and wrong" It just holds us that way. Similar to the "default" setting on your computer. Myofascial release addresses such holding patterns. MFR treats our entire structure not just symptomatic concerns. If your problem was where the symptoms were, someone would have helped you by now! No skin lubricants are used of any kind. The attending therapist applies sustained pressure directly into the tissue to facilitate the revised change. Myofascial release has been considered "the missing link in health care".

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What is 'fascia'? See more.

Fascia is a tough connective tissue which exists and spreads throughout the body in a 3 dimensional Spiderweb like fashion enveloping every structure in the body. Every artery, nerve, vein, lymphatic vessel, muscle fibre, bone and organ is surrounded with Fascia from head to toe without interruption. It is important to understand how this complete physiological system interpenetrates our body in order to appreciate its profound effect on overall function(s). Fascia is responsible for our structural form and shape. How our skeleton is positioned, how our muscles are shaped, and our overall body posture while in gravity, is determined by the fascial system. In a normal healthy state, Fascia remains pliable in its configuration and has the ability to stretch 3 dimensionally without restriction. Trauma, dehydration, infection and inflammation tend to compromise fascial integrity creating a binding down effect on the many layers of fascia resulting in excessive pressures being exerted upon our structural and functional components. Such pressures inevitably result in increased pain sensitivities.The fascial system has tensile properties capable of 2000lbs per square inch!

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How do I know if MFR is for me? See more.

Myofascial Release can potentially be for everyone. Myofascial treatment has proven advantageous to the new born child onwards into the geriatric age group. If you or someone you know is dealing with issues of day to day pain, has encountered any type or degree of physical injury recently or sometime ago, Myofascial Release treatment may prove advantageous. Myofascial Release treatment may assist with post surgical concerns such as scar tissue accumulation and restorotion of musculoskeletal function.

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How will I feel following Myofascial release treatment? Will I be sore? See more.

The intent of Myofascial release treatment is to facilitate structural change within your body. Change however does not necessarily mean pain relief. Your body recognizes the path of least resistance as being "normal" and change to this may initially present as chaotic. Occasionally symptomatic concerns may increase following Myofascial release treatment. Post treatment soreness may occur for a period of 12-24 hours. Your attending therapist can discuss this in detail with you should this be of concern. If you are uncomfortable following treatment, we encourage you to drink plenty of water and utilize ice and or heat as discussed with your therapist. Results will vary from person to person, at times reporting no post treatment soreness to speak of.

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Should I receive Myofascial Release treatment if I am already receiving another form of treatment such as Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Traditional massage etc.? See more.

Absolutely, yes. Myofascial Release treatment will not interfere in any way with adjacent therapies. Creating a more favourable environment in the body for change to occur will simply enhance the results of simultaneous treatment modalities. If you have further questions about Myofascial Release, its benefits, indications/contra-indications, ask a Myofascial Release therapist for an accurate, respective reply. The staff at Myo-therapies will be pleased to answer any questions you may have pertaining to the introduction of MFR to your rehabilitative, maintenance efforts.

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How many treatment sessions will I need? See more.

The intent of Myofascial Release therapy is to facilitate long lasting structural change to your body by interrupting neurological holding and bracing patterns. Recurring, subsequent treatments are encouraged to compliment this process. Your therapist will assist you in developing an increased sense of body awareness. Conscientious awareness is a large piece of the rehabilitative puzzle. "Without awareness we have no choice". Individualized treatment options will be discussed during or following your initial consultation and assessment which will best suit your needs. Conventionally therapists were taught to avoid treating anyone more that 1-2 times per week in order to let the client recover from treatment. Knowing what we know about patterning only allows them to reset to their "default" setting. Subsequent treatment interferes with the reset aspect of such holding patterns.

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Should Children Receive Myofascial Release? See more.

Yes, children of all ages including new born are encouraged to receive MFR treatment. Children often display profound results following treatment as their bodies remain influential towards change. Musculoskeletal presentations presenting from birth and or developmental concerns respond favourably to treatment as their soft tissue/boney tissue remains very pliable. The aging process has not yet had an opportunity to establish significant holding and bracing patters often responsible for recurring pain(s) and or dysfunction. As parents we assume our young people should not deal with recurring or repetitive strain injuries. "He's only 11 years old", "she will get better on her own". Ongoing day to day demands both ergonomically and sports related regardless of age, appear to be responsible for such injuries.

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Can someone diagnosed with cancer receive Myofascial release treatment? See more.

Yes, the intention of Myofascial release is to create a more favorable environment in the body for healing to occur. Preconceived notions with respect to "touch" therapies metastasizing (spreading) the pathology is no longer a concern within the Oncology community. Scientific research now supports the spread of this disease to occur via genetic mutation and is not exacerbated by applied pressure(s) and/or exercise. Consideration of such research further supports the many indications for the introductions and application of varying healing modalities including Myofascial Release. Although direct pressures into areas of malignancy remains contra-indicated, Myofascial treatment of surrounding areas maintains and promotes 3 dimensional musculo-skeletal balance. Cancer patients have reported decreased levels of associated pain thoughout varying regions of the body. Prior to commencing treatment, Myo-Therapies requires physician consent from the attending Oncologist and/or the family physician. It is important for your therapist to know any particulars with respect to your condition and oncology treatment procedure(s). Myo-therapies appreciates the delicate nature of the issues at hand and will take the necessary time required to discuss your situation in detail should you so desire.

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What should I wear? See more.

It is preferred for men to wear gym shorts or undershorts and women to wear a sports bra/tank top with loose fitting shorts. Something you are comfortable standing/sitting in for assessment, movement evaluation and treatment. Some MFR techniques require sitting, standing and moving in different positions. Proper attire protects modesties and facilitates a more comfortable session for the patient and therapist.

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How long are the treatments? See more.

Our treatments sessions are 1 hour. We find this to be the most optimal amount of time required to favourably treat "Cause and Effect". 1 hour sessions also accommodate the necessary time required to instruct/review self-treatment methods.

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What type of payment does Myo-Therapies accept? See more.

We accept Debit, cash or cheques only.

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Are treatments covered by Sask Health care? See more.

No they are not presently covered by Saskatchewan Health Care.

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Are treatments covered by Private Plans? See more.

Yes. Our treatment services are invoiced as Massage Therapy. All members of the Myo-Therapies team are Registered Massage Therapists. Check with your plan administrator or policy to determine if a "Dr.'s note" is required for coverage.

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Do I need a doctor referral to be treated at Myo-Therapies? See more.

No you do not. Your Physician's involvement and input is helpful when determining various treatment options. Many extended health Plans i.e., Blue Cross may require you to obtain a Dr's note in order to be reimbursed for services depending on the type of plan and coverage you have.

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