"I was in my mid-forties and had become a 'couch potato'. See more.
I knew I had to make a number of changes because of a family history of arthritis and chronic joint/soft tissue issues I was experiencing as a result of car accidents, various sports and other injuries, and just regular wear and tear. I began an exercise program and was referred to an MFR therapist.
More than six years later, MFR continues to be an integral part of my routine to maintain my health and mobility. I find myofascial release treatments very therapeutic and they help me live an active life. MFR has also taught me to try to be in the moment, listen to my body and make whatever changes may be necessary in order to function better not only while exercising but also while performing everyday activities.
My experience with the clinic is that it is professional and provides an atmosphere where change can occur. I have learned many things during the treatments and greatly value the difference MFR has made to my life."
Donna T - Free Spirit
"I started seeing Jody for Myofascial Release in April 2016. See more.
I had been dealing with chronic upper back pain. This pain was a result of surgery that I had undergone due to Breast Cancer and subsequent reconstruction. It didn't matter what I tried, I could not find relief. My daughter and good friend were being treated by Jody. They suggested I schedule an appointment for a treatment. I had tried conventional massage and the relief was only temporary and never fixed my problem. I was willing to try anything at that point.
Every treatment with Jody is different. Myofascial Release looks at the body as a whole and treats athe body as a whole. I learned to become more in tune with my body due to MFR treatments. Jodyis always giving me new stretches to try as well as showing me how to use a therapy ball to treat myself. So in between visits I can treat myself when needed. He is incredibly patient and kind. I would not be functioning normally and living without pain if it weren't for MFR treatments. I am forever grateful that I found myofascial release and have Jody as part of my care team."
Deanna R - Crazy Cancer Ass Kicker
"I was first introduced to Myofascial Release Therapy while training as a bodybuilding athlete in 2015. See more.
My coaches had been seeing Jody Myo-Therapies for some time and kept encouraging me to book a treatment. Prior to MFR, I had gone for mainstream deep-tissue massage, physiotherapy, and had custom orthotic insoles in my shoes-as I was told that I had a discrepancy in leg lengths and was showing signs of mild scoliosis. I am a sceptic, so when I was referred to Myo-Therapies, I was apprehensive, as I thought the other modalities I had been trying were sufficient. All issues I was experiencing prior, were treated quickly, including numb hands, spine curvature, leg length, and other pain/injuries associated with bodybuilding. I am very active, and also practice yoga regularly-MFR has substantially aided in my mobility, range of motion, recovery time, and has kept me pain and injury-free. The therapists work with you to understand your body, and how to use these tools and methods to self-treat. Attending treatments over the past two years, I have an increased sense of body awareness, and understand the mechanics of my body in far deeper way. In addition to the physical benefits of the treatments, I also noticed a positive impact on my mental health. I have referred people to Myo-Therapies for a variety of reasons-back injuries, breast cancer, strokes, etc. I have yet to hear of somepne who did not greatly benefit or value their treatment at Myo-Therapies. No matter how severe or not your symptoms, and what you think Myofascial treatment could possibly treat, my advice would be to give it a try."
Karlee R - Student/Athlete
"If you are looking for an alternative or a complement to traditional medicine, I can not say enough about Myofascial Release therapy. See more.
In as few words as I can, I would like to share what I have experienced myself and seen with friends and family. If you are looking for help with stress headaches, increased mobility, decrease tightness from scar tissue or just wanting a massage to last longer than the time you spend on the therapist's table, MFR treatment is definitely something to try to help manage your body. My introduction to MFR eight years ago was not a positive experience, but my doctor knew more than one therapist and persisted with a different referral. After 8 years of watching people experience less pain, greater range of motion and an increased understanding of how to treat themselves, I have to say if at first you do not succeed with an M FR therapist, keep trying, there is someone out there that will help you change your life. After going through two encounters with cancer, I can only say the quality of life I am experiencing today has definitely been a result of having an advanced MFR therapist as part of my medical team."
Cindy G - A life survivor
"I first started with MFR therapy to treat whiplash and have been committed to ongoing visits ever since. It is the results I say with my father that strengthened my commitment to MFR. See more.
My father was diagnosed with dementia and landed in a care home very quickly because he was very aggressive and paranoid. The traditional treatment used was to give drugs that quickly affected my dad's muscles and he landed in a wheelchair. This was a 75 year old man that enjoyed walking as a stress relief and for enjoyment of nature and life. The first day my father came for an MFR treatment he was bent over in the wheelchair staring at his toes in too much pain to sit up straight. My dad responded well to the treatments in the wheelchair, he wasable to sit up straight and soon was lifting his knees to his nose and almost had his toes touching his nose. The dementia did not allow my dad to complete full sentences, but when asked if he wanted to go for a massage it was always answered with a bright smile and resounding yes. The treatments moved dad along to a point where he was trying to pull himself out of the wheelchair. With support under his arms he was able to stand up with bent knees. In my heart I think dad would have regained the ability to walk, he was quite determined. However, due to health complications he was taken quickly so we never had an opportunity to see the full benefits of what MFR could accomplish. What I did see was a man in severe pain start to experience a lot less pain, greater flexibility and range of motion. He made a new group of friends, that had a profound effect on his quality of life and he really looked forward to seeing everyone at each appointment.
MFR will never hurt you, what do you have to lose? The question is what do you have to gain? I am sure my father would recommend you give it a try."
Written by daughter of Conrad R, a person that found relief during a challenging part of his journey.
"MFR was recommended to me by a family member. I had not experienced any major injuries or accidents, but I did have neck problems, lower back pain and a lurching walk. See more.
I was tipped forward when I walked and I listed to one side. I have never before experienced anything like I have with MFR treatments. I experienced an unwinding at my first appointment and could actually shoulder check without moving my entire torso for the first time in over 10 years. I wasn't sure what to make of them. I quickly realized that in addition to being helped immeasurably with physical releases without pain, I was also experiencing huge shifts in my emotional and spiritual life.
I have experienced MFR treatments for over 3 years. I never know what will unfold at the appointment. I will identify a physical issue, but the session may veer off in a totally unexpected direction that my body and soul need. I continue to evolve and grow in unexpected ways with the help of the MFR experience."
Donna D.; Customer Service Rep
"In 2001 I fell, broke my tail bone and twisted my pelvis. The result of this injury left me with right sciatic pain in my buttock radiating down my right leg. See more.
To be honest the first few MFR sessions were amazing. I began to receive on a mental level an overload of information. On the physical level a relief from pain Ihad not experienced in years. In summary, MFR has changed my life forever. I tell someone almost every day about MFR and how it could be beneficial to them. MFR adds a whole new dimension to therapy that is truly amazing. I live healthier today because of MFR."
D'arcy T.; Registered Nurse
"I first began coming for Myofascial Release treatments over four years ago. I came because of problems with pain in my back and it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to stand erect. See more.
The treatments were unlike any I had experienced before! What impressed me the most was that each treatment was unique and my body would lead the practitioner rather than the other way around. I was amazed to discover that healing was occurring not only at a physical level, but at a mental, emotional and spiritual level as well.
MFR helps me stay connected and aware of what is really going on within me. I would recommend Myofascial Release to anyone wanting to advance on their healing journey!"
Linda D.; Social Worker
"After the ongoing ravages of very long term diabetes (46 years) followed by double bi-pass surgery, my body has been telling me that there was and has been time for a change in treatment. See more.
Previously, I depended on pain killers and extreme chemical interference to cope with daily necissities. Since my heart surgery, the intensity of my chronic chest pain had reached intolerable degrees. I have realized that MFR offered the best treatment for me. I am learning to go into my pain and try to discover why I can't let it go. I am beginning to employ personal direction in pain control and physical health. I love it."
Lorraine Z.; Teacher
"I have chronic pain in my upper back and neck area, See more.
and have tried various methods of massage therapy. Myofascial Release (MFR) has been the most beneficial to me. The effects are longer lasting then many other traditional massage techniques, and MFR seems to better address my chronic pain areas."
Brenda W.; Chartered Accountant